Thursday, July 9, 2009

Ideology of the Concorde,reemergence of "the Beautiful People"

Ideology of the Concorde

I use the term Concorde as a reference to one of the most beautiful technological feats known to man, The AĆ©rospatiale-BAC Concorde aircraft. The Concorde was often the vehicle used to transport the "jet set" society to destinations such as Paris, New York, London, and Washington DC. I use the term Concorde as substitute for quest or journey. The Concorde was the aircraft of choice because it could make these trips at record speeds. So what is your Concorde, and has it taken you to the places of your dreams? This blog will attempt to document the journeys, opinions and everyday happenings I experience with focuses in style, music, philanthropy, technology and motion picture.

Reemergence of "the Beautiful People"

In 1962 Vogue Magazine coined "the Beautiful People" as an expression which initially described the circle that formed around President John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy. Readers of the 15 February 1964 Vogue could learn "What the beautiful people are doing to keep fit." My wife and I are always looking to absorb and experience God's gifts which are often presented to us through style, philanthropy, music, technology and motion picture. In our world "the Beautiful People" represents family, friends, artists, scientists, musicians, politicians and all of those who express their realities through their own unique form of expression.

As our new leader Barack Obama and his wife Michelle begin their "Concorde" to set an example for our communities and nation, I sense a reemergence of art, science, and individual chic. The Concordes of "the Beautiful People" is my attempt to chronicle the world of style, philanthropy, music, technology and motion picture as it relates to friends, family, and the world around us.

If you would like to experience the Concordes of "the Beautiful People" as I do feel free to subcribe to my blog!

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