Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Shoe Game...

During the Thanksgiving Holiday, I traveled to visit "the Beautiful People" of Martinsville, VA. We had a blast with our friends and family enjoying the festivities surrounded by giving thanks to those things that God has blessed us with. With every Thanksgiving there is eating, drinking, partying, and above all else SHOPPING. I find it amazing that people brave madness, chaos, and rudeness to get the latest tech toy at the "lowest" price available. One word for that, BRAVE!!

I on the other hand was not so brave to venture out on Black Friday as I ventured to the retail jungle on Saturday, and waded through the aftermath of the Friday shopping explosion. We began our expedition at the Four Seasons Town Center in Greensboro, NC. Immediately I knew what this trip was meant to be, an upward buildup of my SHOE GAME... While meandering through the mall, I found the coolest shoe store of the SOUTH, JARMAN. The fresh black suede PUMAs you see in photo above came from this store. Rarely, do you find stores where the people are cool, and are able to suggest the right SHOE GAME to fit your unique style. So if you are in the G'BORO, check it out..

A person's shoe game in my opinion is a direct link to a person's character. We often sacrifice comfort, for style. Then we see those shoe disasters in which style is totally compromised for comfort. Whatever the case may be, shoes are just that shoes. It is a shame that in our culture kids are being harassed for the shoes that are not wearing, and robbed or even killed for the shoes they are wearing. No matter what the shoe remember to commit to being beautiful, both inside and out.

If you have recently up'd your SHOE GAME, or anything in your fashion wardrobe post a pic, or hit me up on my Facebook with the details.